Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Episode 1: Starting a Blog

So, I'm going to try blogging again, for the umpteenth time. I keep thinking I'm going to do this, and then I keep running out of time, or stuff to say (shocking, I know, Laura without something to say?!). I'd like to keep a record of my new adventures in housewifery.

As a young woman today,  I feel like the word "Housewife" is a dirty word. I feel pressured to be ashamed of my desire to be a housewife, because I have so many opportunities, or because being a housewife is considered demeaning for a woman, or because being a housewife "keeps me down" somehow. Even though I've wanted to stay home and take care of my children ever since I was a little girl, it seems like being a housewife is considered something I should not want to do with my life, even though the same people who think I shouldn't be a housewife tell me that I can do anything I want. Except that, of course!

Anyway, I'm proud of my job! I love taking care of my baby boy, and I am trying very hard to get all of my other household duties under control! Which leads me to another reason for this blog. I want to share my discoveries, and also ask others for help and tips on how they have gotten their households in order.

I hope you enjoy reading, and I hope we "H-words" can all help each other!

1 comment:

  1. I often feel the same way.. I LOVE staying home, and feel it has been a blessing to have been accessible to the girls all these years. That is just priceless to me. Most of my friends work outside the home, and well there are times when I feel I'm missing out on things. But then I look back on all of the things that I didn't miss out on, and they did, it puts it all into perspective. You CAN do anything, and if you choose to be a housewife, then I say, DO IT with no regrets! Enjoy every minute of it :)
