Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Episode 10: Eat, Papa, EAT! - Part 3

*I am a terrible blogger. Here is Part 3, much delayed.*

We got an appointment to see Dr. Wood – the head of the pediatric allergy division at Johns Hopkins. Well, that at least made me feel better. I mean, that’s the guy you want to see. Our appointment was on February 1.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Episode 9: Eat, Papa, EAT! - Part 2

Finally, on November 30, we went to KKI for the first time. We met with several experts at the same time: a nurse practitioner, a nutritionist, a behavioral therapist, and a speech and occupational therapist. We provided a detailed history, and then it was time to watch LM eat! We brought several of his favorite foods, and some puree as well. LM did his thing, chewing and spitting like there was no tomorrow. Both the behavioral and speech therapists were surprised that LM was so excited to eat, but just wasn’t swallowing. After his meal, the team met with one another to discuss their findings before giving us their recommendations. When the team came back, they were baffled that LM was so interested in eating. They had expected him to present more like some autistic children who do not want anything near or in their mouths, so they were surprised that he was so excited to eat and chew, but just didn’t swallow. The team wanted LM to have an upper endoscopy done to be sure that there were no obstructions before KKI started a treatment program. They didn’t want to be forcing food down his throat if it would hurt him. They said that they usually try an Upper GI first, but that it might be difficult to get him to swallow the barium solution because he never took a bottle, and wasn’t doing very well with the sippy cup at the time, either. We were referred to the gastroenterologist. The KKI team also advised that we start working on giving LM puree on a spoon, as that would be how they would start treatment. They suggested that we try giving him foods he liked on a spoon, to get him used to the spoon before trying purees again. 

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Episode 8: Eat, Papa, EAT!! - Part 1

So, the Little Man has been, generally, a very easy baby (knock wood that that continues). He sleeps great, he doesn’t fuss a lot, he naps great (now), and he is really very happy. But we have had one problem – food. While this has caused me much distress, I have to believe that there’s a reason this happened to me. Maybe I am destined to help someone else going through something similar, or maybe every kid has something that drives their parents crazy. Either way, I have decided it’s time to try to write down our food journey up to now. That way, I can remember what happened if I need to again, and also so that I can share this with any other readers or parents who are going through something like we did, well, are. This is the first in a long series of posts about my son’s eating difficulties. They have been going on for a little over a year now, and I feel like things are finally being resolved. I hope that you all aren’t too bored by my story, and I hope that if you are going through something similar, that this gives you some help and hope.