Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Episode 6: Sicko!!

I have a cold. It stinks.
I am bad at being sick. I get sick like people say men get sick. I'm not one of these people who sits quietly and shrugs off symptoms, or powers through and pretends they feel fine. I whine. I don't want to do ANYthing. I want to lay on the couch and watch Law & Order. I want my husband (or mom, when I was younger) to bring me drinks and food, so I only need to expend energy to go to the bathroom or swallow more meds. I hate being sick, and I vocalize this feeling often.

One of the best things about my last job was that I had tons of paid vacation and personal days. How do you take care of a baby and a home when you're sick? It's one of the advantages that working moms have over us stay-at-home types. If a working mom is sick, she takes the day off, sends the baby to daycare as usual, and gets a day of rest and relaxation at home. I kind of wish I could do that. I've already had to apologize to my husband because the house is going to be kind of a mess until I feel better. I've sacrificed my usual cleaning time (see also: baby's nap) to take a nap myself. I am totally unmotivated to go to the store - I don't want to leave the house myself, much less wrestle a baby into the carseat (someone has started asserting his independence - welcome to 2!). I am unmotivated to cook dinner, because I don't even really want to eat anything because I feel cruddy.

Luckily, I have maybe the best baby ever! He likes to play by himself with his trains, and will generally give me several stretches during the day where I can just sit and relax.Any other stay-at-home-moms with tips for how to deal with your duties while sick?

Also, I didn't forget about my blog! I'm working on a giant post chronicling the little man's adventures with eating. It will be several posts long. I hope it helps someone else who is going through something similar.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh. I have no advice for you but I am now thinking of you as Wonder Woman. I don't think I could deal with a 2-year-old while feeling less than awesome. I get irritable and annoying when sick... everything bothers me. And I can't get comfortable. And I want everyone near me to feel as miserable as I do. So, having a dependent child needing "almond juice" and diapers changed would definitely put me over the edge. Hence, you are Wonder Woman!
